How To Get People To Love Your Brand

By Ricardo Marcelino·2 min read
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How to get people to love your brand? Like in human relationships, it requires trust, reciprocity, commitment, and it's based on hope and expectations. But that’s still not enough. Uniqueness and the amazing factor are also part of the equation.

How to get people to love your brand?

  • Take really good care of your clients. Customer care service and other people connecting your brand.

  • Love your brand and make sure it stands for its values. Shared values are a great way to connect with your audience.

  • Be authentic and consistent. Set your own brand guidelines and keep them in mind to ensure coherence.

  • Listen to what’s being said and what is not. Your audience’s desires can often be found somewhere in the middle.

  • Be active and create meaningful conversations. Content matters.

  • Amaze! Make experiments, innovate, surprise your audience and keep things fresh. The user experience matters.

  • If you fail, recognize, apologize and let your customers know what you learned and what you’ll be doing differently.

Why should you care?

  • To get new customers. If someone loves your brand, they will likely recommend it to others.

  • To keep your existing customers happy and engaged. The most cost effective way to have customers is to keep the ones you have.

  • To get new talent and keep your team happy. The secret of happiness is to maintain good relationships.

  • Your brand is an asset. Sometimes, the most valuable asset.

Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple have been the world’s most loved brands. They are innovative companies with a great focus on shaping their offer and experience to go beyond their user expectation.

You don’t need to be a giant to be loved. You have to be authentic and to make your customers feel you care about them.
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